Monday 22 April 2019

Yoga and pattern mock-ups

So, I managed to get a mock-up put together for the dress bodice last weekend. Turns out it fits quite well, and only needs a minor adjustment to the arm-hole. I plan on getting a few metres of blue 100% linen after payday, so that I have fabric to make a good dent in the project during my holiday in May. I still haven’t decided whether or not to put a lining in it - I don’t want it to be too warm for summer.

In other news, I’ve been trying something new.As part of my routines, I need to do things out of the house in the evenings, or else I’d never leave at all and that is not good for either my physical or mental health. On wednesdays, I go dancing - ballroom/Latin with my partner, then run down the road to adult ballet (without my partner as that’s not his style). It’s not all that obvious with ballroom/Latin, but even in the beginners ballet class, it was obvious my flexibility needed work. I don’t recall ever being able to touch my toes. However, it’s become much more obvious since I moved up to the next ballet class, despite being well warmed up from my previous dance class and the run to the studio. I feel like my strength is developing well, but my lack of flexibility most notably in my hips is holding me back.

So I’m trying yoga. I don’t have a class yet, but I’m needing something to fill in my Friday evening, so am hoping I can find a class I can fit in then. However, for now, I’ve been trying this week to fit in a daily practice at home, following an app. It’s just called Yoga for Beginners, and has a purple logo. I set a reminder for 9pm, before bed, as that was the easiest way for me to add to my routine and it sets me up nicely for sleep. I think I’m making a little progress but would like more stretches for hips, hamstrings etc. I am just on the beginner routines though so maybe more suitable stretches will come up in more advanced routines.

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